Sunday 21 July 2013


  •  Vestige is a network marketing based firm, which they sell their products directly to Customers i.e., Direct Selling/MLM. 
  • Gautam Bali partnered with Kanwar Bir Singh and Deepak Sood together started this firm in the year 2004. 

  1. Gautam Bali (Managing director): Having a rich experience in network marketing more than 12 years, he is being a CEO and advisor of many successful MLM in India. 
  2. Kanwar Bir Singh (Director of Information Technology): Having a experience over a decade developing and maintaining software for MLM companies. 
  3. Deepak Sood (Director of Operation): Having a rich experience  in logistics and warehousing in leading Multi Level Marketing Companies. 

  • In begining with just 2 Products and 2 Branch offices, This is the humble beginning. Now they have more than 40 products.
  • This is the only MLM have their own manufacturing unit in Himachal Pradesh.
  • This firm is now growing year by year at the rate of more than 100%! 
  • Even many successful vestigians buyed a car i.e., not just only a car, but a luxury car!, travelled around the world through vestige.
                                                         PLEASE SEE PROMO VIDEO. 

Why Vestige?

  • I know many people get freak out, just hearing a word “MLM”. 
  • The reason might be instability, unsucessful, payout is limited i.e., beyond capping point they couldn’t pay. 
  • Other reason people ignore is: 
  1. Registration fee to become a Distributor. 
  2. Cost of the product is high. 
  3. High product rate, difficult for the Distributor to sell products to the Customer. 
  4. Renewals from time to time. 
  5. Hard to get promoted, but they may demote. 
  • But in Vestige, such reason is not valid. 
  • Because: 
  1. No Registration fee, just buy product of your choice upto the total amount of maximum "Rs. 600 to become a distributor". 
  2. Products are at reasonable price. 
  3. It is easy to sell to the customers, because of its reasonable price. 
  4. No Renewals! 
  5. Easy to get  promoted, but little effort is needed, but no demotion. 
  • Its good to be true.
  • Even the business tools, you buy is also counted as points! 
  • Gives a real result, good quality, which you will buy them again(even I myself use them).
  • Here you work for pleasure but not a pain!
  • In the beginning earning may be fair, but as months pass on, your income increases exponentially!

How you get progress?

  • Your Performance is clubbed with your downline Performance, the more your downline progress, the more you progress together. Such that success is not difficult. 
  • To be Successful follow these steps: 
  1. Be a regular user of products. 
  2. Earn by sharing a products. 
  3. Enrich by sharing a business. 
  4. Enrich yourself by enriching others. 
  • I am sure that “Your search ends here” in Vestige, because this is the frequent testimonials of most of successful distributor who become millionaire through vestige. 

Vestige Support

  • Vestige Support System: 
  1. Video CD’S for all health care products. This includes in all Indian languages. English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannadam, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarathi, Marathi. 
  2. How to Start, What to do in vestige also available in video CD’s. 
  3. Free Seminars every week once in a day. Also available online viewing. 
  4. Free CNT meeting every month twice a day. 
  5. You will be guided by your upline (me). 
  6. Even more!!! 

To know more Send me your Name and mobile number to.
I will Contact you.